Saturday, March 8, 2008

Screwtape Letters 8-11

After reading these letters, I choose to write on letter eight. I thought it to be the most amusing and telling. Screwtape is constantly chastising his nephew, and laying the whole situation out on the line, in a blatantly obvious fashion. He lays out exactly how God wants to capture the hearts of man and how the Devil just wants to capture man. They are in it to basically get the human as food; God on the completely opposite hand wants to not absorb the human but to have their wills be in uniform with his. Screwtape states how they are empty and want to be filled by the humans they take over, and God is full and flows over. The best distinction and one most awe striking to me is how he stated God wants the world full of beings united to him but still distinct. In accord with him but still individuals. It just seeks to solidify my faith, as I read on this. That is what I want to be an individual but still in accord with God, not just taken over as food for the Devil. This whole letter just really makes one think what they want, and how the Devil uses his trickery to take one over.

1 comment:

Alethea Van Buren said...

I couldn't agree with you more. The fact that God is truly sovereign and He desires that our relationship with be likened to His relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit--three unique separate persons but one in Spirit. The devil will always devour. His food is everyone's soul because after he gets you to deter from God, he will get you to do things that you should not, telling you then that you are just like him and finally, taking your soul to hell with him. The devil uses man's "fallen nature." He uses the "troughs" in life to completely bring you down so that he can finish the job. The devil cannot stand for people to be in God's loving relationship so, he will try his best to deter you.But God's desire is that you be like Him spiritually without you compromising your independence--a free will to choose (the right choices).