Sunday, February 24, 2008

Screwtape Lettters chapters 1-3

When reading the first three chapters of the Screwtape Letters, I was very confused as to what was going on. Screwtape seems to be guiding and feeding his nephew advice as to how to treat a certain patient. After reading others’ blogs they seemed to have had the same issues, but then I also so that some figured out it was potentially Satan writing to a relative to get a human to join them. This made perfect sense to me when looking back, for Screwtape would say such things as Our Father Below. But on the other hand I am still utterly confused. Regardless it does seem as though this Screwtape fellow is guiding and helping his nephew in how to convert someone into their way of thinking. They don’t in any case seem to be Christian, what they are exactly still is illusive to me.

Though I didn’t understand this reading very much I thought the last letter was the most amusing. In how Screwtape was telling his nephew how to wedge the patient and his mother apart. It was all about playing on the weaknesses that exist or could potentially exist between them. As a psychology major I tend to read things on how issues interpersonally arise and such. I just thought this amusing in that the weaknesses he told him to pray on are the most frequent of human weaknesses.

I do hope that this whole book makes it self a lot clearer. I am definitely confused.

1 comment:

Kacy said...

I agree with you that this book is very confusing. I read the first three letters and the back of the book numerous times before writing my blog. I am also a Psychology major so I can relate to your way of thinking. The impression that I am getting is that the letters are an attempt to inform Wormwood on how to keep people away from God and Christianity.